Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The photography studio

Ever wonder why Soak's products is look really neat and gave a crazy detail? well some of the products are taken here at this DIY photography studio located beside my bed~!

The DIY studio process started about 2 month ago with the low budget kinda ideas but with the very high expectation in a photography style and ideas here is what we came up with^!

1. A white bed sheet which i happened to found it in my Mom's wardrobe, got a bit of a stains on it but well what the hell right.

2. 2 brand new table lamps + 2 brand new super high watt white light bulbs. This cost be quite a bit but if you compare with those professional light set up then this save me a fortune!!.

3. A hanger for hanging a bed sheet.

4. A very poor table which is now happened to be cover with a bed sheet. Surprisingly but not the size of a bed sheet fit just right over the table.

5. Wah lahh! Soak's DIY photography studio is now done.

Simple as that isn't it? The studio might look really really small but never underestimate the outcome that Soak republic always wanted to bring it out to you guys ok....hahaha

Luvin it.....